DBFSvensk Bridge


Women's trials
(The Netherlands, Norway, and Denmark)

Open trials
(The Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark)

Valby BridgeCenter
Valby Langgade 77
Valby, Denmark

11th - 13th April 2003



This trial is the last tournament before selecting the Swedish Bermuda Bowl team. And an opportunity for the Dutch and Danish teams for revenge after the 2002 European Championships.

The teams are divided into three groups. Each group plays only the other two groups. After eight matches the teams are matched according to VP, but still two teams from the same group won't meet each other.

Simultaneously four women's teams from the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark are playing. The Netherlands are the reigning European Champions. Norway and Denmark were placed 6th and 7th just missing qualification to Venice Cup (World Championships). Norway and Denmark will hope for revenge as well.

In the women's series there will be a double round robin. The winner chooses semi-final opponent among number three and four. ½ a carry-over in favour of the best placed team in the round-robin or 1/3 carry-over in favour of the lower ranking team from the round robin.

Round-Robin Schedule


Lysholdt Consulting A/S


  1. The Netherlands
    Jet Pasman-Anneke Simons, Elsbeth van de Laar-Anke Wijma
  2. Norway
    Kristine Breivik-Marianne Harding, Tulla Steen Lybæk-Siv Thoresen
  3. Denmark red
    Tina Ege-Lotte Skaanning-Norris, Nadia Bekkouche-Trine Binderkrantz, Maria Rahelt-Stense Farholt
  4. Denmark white
    Lone Bilde-Marianne Rasmussen, Camilla Krefeld-Marlene Kirstan, Ulla Koch-Christina Klemmensen
- støtter dansk damebridge


Group Orange

  1. Dutch team Red
    Ton Bakkeren-Huub Bertens, Sjoert Brink-Ricco Van Prooijen
  2. Dutch team White
    Jeroen Bruggeman-Niels De Groot, Onno Eskes - Gerard Sprinkhuizen
  3. Dutch team Blue
    Jan Jansma-Louk Verhees, Bauke Muller-Simon De Wijs
  4. Denmark Youngsters
    Mikkel Nøhr-Mik Kristensen, Boje Henriksen-Andreas Marquardsen
Group Yellow
  1. Sweden Yellow
    Peter Fredin-Magnus Lindkvist, P-O Sundelin-Johan Sylvan
  2. Sweden Blue
    Peter Bertheau-Frederik Nyström, Anders Morath-Mårtan Gustawsson
  3. Sweden Magic Carrot
    Håkan Strääf-Jan-Erik Thomasson, Tomas Brenning-Sven-Olov Flodqvist
  4. Sweden Nordic
    Bengt Erik Efraimsson-Kenneth Borin, Lars Andersson-Tommy Bergdahl
Group Red
  1. Denmark World Junior Team
    Bjørg Houmøller-Jonas Houmøller, Martin Schaltz-Kaare Gjaldbæk
  2. Denmark Nordic
    Morten Lund Madsen-Lars Lund Madsen, Freddie Brøndum-Jacob Røn
  3. Denmark Old Stars
    HC Nielsen-Steen Schou, Dorthe Schaltz-Peter Schaltz (Knud-Aage Boesgaard)
  4. Denmark Jutland
    Morten Bilde-Jørgen Hansen, Nils Mønsted-Johan Hammelev


Friday, 11th April
13:15 - 15:15:Round 1 (A1-A14)
15:20 - 17:20:Round 2 (A15-A28)
17:20 - 18:15:Meal
18:15 - 20:15:Round 3 (A29-A42)
20:20 - 22:20:Round 4 (A43-A56)
Saturday, 12th April
10:00 - 12:00:Round 5 (B1-B14)
12:05 - 14:05:Round 6 (B15-B28)
14:05 - 15:00:Meal
15:00 - 17:00:Round 7 / Women semi-finals (B29-B42)
17:05 - 19:05:Round 8 / Women semi-finals (B43-B56)
Sunday, 13th April
9:15 - 10:40:Knock-out / Women finals (C1-C10)
10:45 - 12:10:Knock-out / Women finals (C11-C20)
12:10 - 13:00:Meal
13:00 - 14:25:Knock-out / Women finals (C21-C30)
14:30 - 15:55:Knock-out / Women finals (C31-C40)


  • Tournament Manager: Ole Raulund
  • Tournament Director: Peter Lund
  • Appeals Committee: Jan Kamras, Tom Nørgaard, Ed Franken
  • Centre Staff: Trille Meister, Michael Mulvad

Rules and Regulations

  • Normal EBL regulations apply.
  • Smoking is not allowed in playing area.

Last modified: Sun Apr 27 13:12:19 CEST 2003