- A. Auction Period Starts
The auction period on a deal begins for a side when either partner
looks at the face of his cards.
- B. The First Call
The player designated by the board as dealer makes the first call.
- C. Successive Calls
The player to dealer's left makes the second call, and thereafter each player calls in turn in a
clockwise rotation.
- D. Cards from Wrong Board
If a player who has inadvertently picked up the cards from a wrong board makes a call, that call is cancelled. If offender's LHO has called over the
cancelled call, the Director shall assign artificial adjusted scores
(see Law 90 for penalty) when offender's
substituted call differs in any significant way from his cancelled
If offender subsequently repeats the cancelled call on the
board from which he mistakenly drew his cards, the Director may allow
that board to be played normally, but the Director shall assign
artificial adjusted scores (see Law 90)
when offender's call differs in any way from his original cancelled call.
- E. End of Auction Period
The auction period ends when all four players pass or when after three passes in rotation
have followed any call the opening lead is faced (when a pass out of rotation has been
accepted, see Law 34).
Offender's LHO must repeat the previous call.

- A. Proper Form
A bid names a number of odd tricks, from one to seven, and a denomination. (Pass, double
and redouble are calls but not bids.)
- B. To Supersede a Bid
A bid supersedes a previous bid if it names either the same number of odd tricks in a
higher-ranking denomination or a greater number of odd tricks in any denomination.
- C. Sufficient Bid
A bid that supersedes the immediately previous bid is a sufficient bid.
- D. Insufficient Bid
A bid that fails to supersede the immediately previous bid is an insufficient bid.
- E. Rank of the Denominations
The rank of the denominations in descending order is: notrump, spades, hearts, diamonds,
- F. Different Methods
- Zonal Organisations may authorise different methods of making calls.

- A. Doubles
- 1. Legal Double
A player may double only the last preceding bid. That bid must have been made by an
opponent; calls other than pass must not have intervened.
- 2. Proper Form for Double
In doubling, a player should not state the number of odd tricks or the denomination. The only
correct form is the single word ``Double''.
- 3. Double of Incorrectly Stated Bid
If a player, in doubling, incorrectly states the bid, or the number of odd tricks or the
denomination, he is deemed to have doubled the bid as it was made. (Law 16 - Unauthorised
Information - may apply.)
- B. Redoubles
- 1. Legal Redouble
A player may redouble only the last preceding double. That double must have been made by
an opponent; calls other than pass must not have intervened.
- 2. Proper Form for a Redouble
In redoubling, a player should not state the number of odd tricks or the denomination. The
only correct form is the single word ``Redouble''.
- 3. Redouble of an Incorrectly Stated Bid
If a player, in redoubling, incorrectly states the doubled bid, or the number of odd tricks or the
denomination, he is deemed to have redoubled the bid as it was made. (Law 16
-Unauthorised Information - may apply.)
- C. Double or Redouble Superseded
Any double or redouble is superseded by a subsequent legal bid.
- D. Scoring a Doubled or Redoubled Contract
If a doubled or redoubled bid is not followed by a subsequent legal bid, scoring values are
increased as provided in Law 77.

- A. Call Not Clearly Heard
A player who does not hear a call distinctly may forthwith require that it be repeated.
- B. Review of Auction during Auction Period
During the auction period, a player is entitled to have all
previous calls restated when it is his
turn to call, unless he is required by law to pass; Alerts should be included in the restatement.
- C. Review after Final Pass
- 1. Opening Lead Inquiry
After the final pass either defender has the right to ask if it is his opening lead (see Law 47E
and Law 41).
- 2. Review of Auction
Declarer or either defender may, at his first turn to play, require all
previous calls to be
restated (see Law 41B and Law 41C).
- D. Who May Review the Auction
A request to have calls restated shall be responded to only by an opponent.
- E. Correction of Error in Review
All players, including dummy or a player required by law to pass, are responsible for prompt
correction of errors in restatement (see Law 12C1 when an uncorrected review causes
- F. Explanation of Calls
- 1. During the Auction
During the auction and before the final pass, any player, at his own turn to call, may request
a full explanation of the opponents' auction
(questions may be asked about calls actually made or about relevant
calls available but not made);
replies should normally be given by the partner
of a player who made a call in question
(see Law 75C).
- 2. During the Play Period
After the final pass and throughout the play period, either defender at his own turn to play may request
explanation of opposing auction.
At his or dummy's turn to play, the declarer
may request an explanation of a defender's call or
card play conventions.
A player may not ask for a partial restatement of previous calls and may not halt the review
before it has been completed.
Law 16 may apply, and sponsoring organisations may establish regulations for written

- A. Call Based on Caller's Misunderstanding
A player has no recourse if he has made a call on the basis of his own misunderstanding.
- B. Call Based on Misinformation from an Opponent
- 1. Change of Call
Until the end of the auction period (see Law 17E), a player may, without penalty, change a
call when it is probable that he made the call as a result of misinformation given to him by an
opponent (failure to alert promptly to a conventional call or special understanding, where
such alert is required by the sponsoring organisation, is deemed
misinformation), provided that his partner has not subsequently called.
- 2. Change of Call by Opponent Following Correction
When a player elects to change a call because of misinformation (as in 1., preceding), his
LHO may then in turn change any subsequent call he may have made, without penalty (unless
his withdrawn call conveyed such information as to damage the non-offending
side, in which case the Director may assign an adjusted score). (For unauthorised information
from withdrawn calls, see Law 16C.)
- 3. Too Late to Change Call
When it is too late to change a call, the Director may award an adjusted score (Law 40C may

After the auction period has ended,
- A. No Player Has Bid
if no player has bid, the hands
are returned to the board without play. There shall not be a redeal.
- B. One or More Players Have Bid
if any player has bid, the final bid becomes the contract, and play begins.

Reference will be made to this Law from many other Laws that prescribe
penalties for auction-period infractions.
When the penalty for an irregularity under any Law would compel the
offender's partner to pass at his next turn, if the Director
deems that the offender, at the time of his irregularity, could have
known that the enforced pass would be likely to damage the
non-offending side, he shall require the auction and play to continue
and consider awarding an adjusted score (see Law 72B1).

When the Director determines, during the auction, that because of a
player's action one or more cards of that player's hand were in
position for the face to be seen by his partner, the Director shall
require that every such card be left face up on the table until the
auction closes; and (penalty) if the offender subsequently becomes a
defender, declarer may treat every such card as a penalty card
(Law 50). In addition:
- A. Low Card Not Prematurely Led
If it is a single card below the rank of an honour and not prematurely
led, there is no further penalty.
- B. Single Card of Honour Rank or Card Prematurely Led
If it is a single card of honour rank or is any card prematurely
led, (penalty) offender's partner must pass when next it is his turn
to call (see Law 23 when a pass damages the
non-offending side).
- C. Two or More Cards Are Exposed
If two or more cards are so exposed, (penalty) offender's partner must
pass when next it is his turn to call (see Law 23
when a pass damages the non-offending side).

- A. Immediate Correction of Inadvertency
- Until his partner makes a call, a player may substitute his intended call for an inadvertent call but
only if he does so, or attempts to do so, without pause for
thought. If legal, his last call stands without penalty; if illegal,
it is subject to the applicable Law.
- B. Delayed or Purposeful Correction
- Until LHO calls, a call may be substituted when Section A does not apply:
- 1. Substitute Call Condoned
The substituted call may be accepted (treated as legal) at the option
of offender's LHO
; then, the second call stands and the auction
proceeds without penalty. If offender's LHO has called before
attention is drawn to the infraction and the Director determines that
LHO intended his call to apply over the offender's original call at
that turn, offender's substituted call stands without penalty, and LHO
may withdraw his call without penalty (but see Law 16C2).
- 2. Not Condoned
If the substituted call is not accepted, it is cancelled, and
- (a) First Call Illegal
if the first call was illegal, the offender is subject to the
applicable Law (and the lead penalties of Law 26 may
apply to the second call).
- (b) First Call Legal
if the first call was legal, the offender must either
- (1) Let First Call Stand
allow his first call to stand, in which case (penalty) his partner
must pass when next it is his turn to call (see Law 23 when the pass damages the non-offending side), or,
- (2) Substitute Another Call
make any other legal call, in which case (penalty) the auction proceeds normally (but offender's partner may not base calls on information from withdrawn calls); the offending side
may receive no score greater than average minus (see Law 12C1).
- (c) Lead Penalties
In either case (b) (1) or (b) (2) above, the offender's partner will
be subject to a lead penalty (see Law 26) if he
becomes a defender.
When the original bid was insufficient, apply Law 27
The non-offending side receives the score achieved at the table.

When an offending player's call is withdrawn, and he chooses a
final call for that turn, then if he becomes a defender:
- A. Call Related to Specific Suit
If the withdrawn call related to a specified suit or suits and
- 1. Suit Specified
if that suit was specified by the same player, there is no lead penalty,
but see Law 16C.
- 2. Suit Not Specified
if that suit was not specified in the legal auction by the same player, then declarer may (penalty) either require the offender's
partner to lead the specified suit (or one particular specified suit) at his first turn to lead,
including the opening lead, or prohibit offender's partner from leading the specified suit (or
one particular specified suit) at his first turn to lead, including the opening lead, such
prohibition to continue for as long as offender's partner retains the lead.
- B. Other Withdrawn Calls
For other withdrawn calls, (penalty) declarer may prohibit offender's partner from leading
any one suit
at his first turn to lead, including the opening lead, such prohibition to continue
for as long as offender's partner retains the lead.
A call repeated with a much different meaning shall be deemed a different call.
Declarer specifies the suit when offender's partner first has the lead.

- A. Insufficient Bid Accepted
Any insufficient bid may be accepted (treated as legal) at the option of
offender's LHO. It is accepted if that player calls.
- B. Insufficient Bid Not Accepted
If an insufficient bid made in rotation is not accepted, it must be
corrected by the substitution of either a sufficient bid or a pass.
- 1. Not Conventional and Corrected by Lowest Sufficient Bid in Same
- (a) No Penalty
If both the insufficient bid and the bid substituted are incontrovertibly not conventional and if the bid
is corrected by the lowest sufficient bid in the same denomination,
the auction proceeds as though the irregularity had not occurred
(Law 16C2 does not apply to this situation, but
see (b) following).
- (b) Award of Adjusted Score
If the Director judges that the insufficient bid conveyed such
information as to damage the non-offending side, he shall
assign an adjusted score.
- 2. Conventional, or Corrected by Any Other Sufficient Bid or Pass
If either the insufficient bid or the lowest sufficient bid in the same denomination may have been conventional or if the bid is corrected by any other sufficient bid
or by a pass, (penalty) the offender's partner must pass whenever it is his turn to call (apply Law 10C1 and see Law 23 when the pass damages the non-offending side; and the lead penalties of Law 26 may
- 3. Attempt to Correct by a Double or Redouble
If the offender attempts to substitute a double or redouble for his insufficient bid, the
attempted call is cancelled, and (penalty) his partner must pass whenever it is his turn to call
(see Law 23 when the pass damages the non-offending side; and the lead penalties of Law 26 may apply).
- C. Insufficient Bid out of Rotation
If a player makes an insufficient bid out of rotation, Law 31 applies.

- A. RHO Required to Pass
A call is considered to be in rotation when it is made by a player at his RHO's turn to call if
that opponent is required by law to pass.
- B. Call by Correct Player Cancelling Call out of Rotation
A call is considered to be in rotation when made by a player whose turn it was to call, before a
penalty has been assessed for a call out of rotation by an opponent; making such a call forfeits
the right to penalise the call out of rotation, and the auction proceeds as though the opponent
had not called at that turn, but Law 16C2 applies.

- A. Forfeiture of Right to Penalise
Following a call out of rotation, offender's LHO may elect to call, thereby forfeiting the right to penalise.
- B. Out-of-Rotation Call Cancelled
Otherwise, a call out of rotation is cancelled (but see A preceding), and the auction reverts to the player
whose turn it was to call. Offender may make any legal call in proper rotation, but his side
may be subject to penalty under Law 30, Law 31 or Law 32.
- C. Call out of Rotation Is Conventional
- If a call out of rotation is conventional, the provisions of Law 30, Law 31, and Law 32 shall apply to the denominations specified, rather than the denominations named.

When a player has passed out of rotation (and the call is cancelled, as the option to accept the
call has not been exercised - see Law 29):
- A. Before Any Player Has Bid
When a player has passed out of rotation before any player has bid, (penalty) the offender
must pass when next it is his turn to call and Law 72B1 may apply.
- B. After Any Player Has Bid
- 1. At RHO's Turn to Call
After any player has bid, when a pass out of rotation is made at offender's RHO's turn to call,
(penalty) offender must pass when next it is his turn to call (if the pass out of rotation related
by convention to a specific suit, or suits, thereby conveying information, the lead penalties of Law 26 may apply).
- 2. At Partner's Turn to Call
- (a) Action Required of Offender
After any player has bid, for a pass out of rotation made at the offender's partner's turn to
call, (penalty) the offender must pass whenever it is his turn to call, and Law 72B1 may
- (b) Action Open to Offender's Partner
Offender's partner may make any sufficient bid, or may pass, but may not double or redouble
at that turn, and Law 72B1 may apply.
- 3. At LHO's Turn to Call
After any player has bid, a pass out of rotation at offender's LHO's turn to call is treated as a
change of call and Law 25 applies.
- C. When Pass Is a Convention
When the pass out of rotation is a convention, Law 31 , not this Law, will apply. A pass is a
convention if, by special agreement, it promises more than a specified amount of strength, or
if it artificially promises or denies values other than in the last suit named.

When a player has bid out of rotation (and the bid is cancelled, as the option to accept the bid
has not been exercised - see Law 29):
- A. RHO's Turn
When the offender has bid (or has passed partner's call when it is a convention, in which case
section A2(b) applies) at his RHO's turn to call, then:
- 1. RHO Passes
If that opponent passes, offender must repeat the call out of rotation, and when that call is
legal there is no penalty.
- 2. RHO Acts
If that opponent makes a legal
bid, double or redouble, offender may make any legal call; when this call
- (a) Repeats Denomination
repeats the denomination of his bid out of rotation, (penalty) offender's partner must pass
when next it is his turn to call (see Law 23).
- (b) Does Not Repeat Denomination
does not repeat the denomination of his bid out of rotation, the lead penalties of Law 26 may
apply, and (penalty) offender's partner must pass whenever it is his turn to call (see Law 23).
- B. Partner's or LHO's Turn
When the offender has bid at his partner's turn to call, or at his LHO's turn to call if the
offender has not previously called
, (penalty) offender's partner must pass whenever it is his
turn to call (see Law 23 when the pass damages the non-offending side), and the lead
penalties of Law 26 may apply.
An illegal call by RHO is penalised as usual.
Later bids at LHO's turn to call are treated as changes of call, and Law 25 applies.

A double or redouble out of rotation may be accepted at the option of the opponent next in
rotation (see Law 29), except that an inadmissible double or redouble may never be accepted
(see Law 35A if the opponent next in rotation nevertheless does call). If the illegal call is not
accepted, it is cancelled, the lead penalties of Law 26B may apply, and:
- A. Made at Offender's Partner's Turn to Call
If a double or redouble out of rotation has been made when it was the offender's partner's turn
to call, (penalty) the offender's partner must pass whenever it is his turn to call (see Law 23 when the pass damages the non-offending side).
- B. Made at RHO's Turn to Call
If a double or redouble out of rotation has been made at offender's RHO's turn to call, then:
- 1. RHO Passes
If offender's RHO passes, offender must repeat his out-of-rotation double or redouble and
there is no penalty unless the double or redouble is inadmissible, in which case Law 36 applies.
- 2. RHO Bids
If offender's RHO bids, the offender may in turn make any legal call and (penalty) offender's
partner must pass whenever it is his turn to call (see Law 23 when the pass damages the
non-offending side).

A call made simultaneously with one made by the player whose turn it was to call is deemed to
be a subsequent call.

When a call has been followed by three passes, the auction does not end when one of those
passes was out of rotation, thereby depriving a player of his right to call at that turn. The
auction reverts to the player who missed his turn. All subsequent passes are cancelled, and the
auction proceeds as though there had been no irregularity.

When, after any inadmissible call specified below, the offender's LHO makes a call before a
penalty has been assessed, there is no penalty for the inadmissible call (the lead penalties of Law 26 do not apply), and:
- A. Double or Redouble
If the inadmissible call was a double or redouble not permitted by Law 19, that call and all
subsequent calls are cancelled. The auction reverts to the player whose turn it is to call, and
proceeds as though there had been no irregularity.
- B. Action by Player Required to Pass
If the inadmissible call was a bid, double or redouble by a player required by law to pass, that
call and all subsequent legal calls stand, but, if the offender was required to pass for the
remainder of the auction, he must still pass at subsequent turns.
- C. Bid of More than Seven
If the inadmissible call was a bid of more than seven, that call and all subsequent calls are
cancelled; the offender must substitute a pass, and the auction proceeds as though there had
been no irregularity.
- D. Call after Final Pass
If the inadmissible call was a call after the final pass of the auction, that call and all
subsequent calls are cancelled without penalty.

Any double or redouble not permitted by Law 19 is cancelled. The offender must substitute a
legal call, and (penalty) the offender's partner must pass whenever it is his turn to call (see Law 23 when the pass damages the non-offending side); the lead penalties of Law 26 may
apply. (If the call is out of turn, see Law 32; if offender's LHO calls, see Law 35A.)

A bid, double or redouble by a player who is required by law to pass is cancelled, and (penalty)
each member of the offending side must pass whenever it becomes his turn to call (see Law 23 when the pass damages the non-offending side). The lead penalties of Law 26 may apply.
(If offender's LHO calls, see Law 35B.)

No play or score at a contract of more than seven is ever permissible. A bid of more than
seven is cancelled, and (penalty) each member of the offending side must pass whenever it
becomes his turn to call (see Law 23 when the pass damages the non-offending side). The
lead penalties of Law 26 may apply.
(If offender's LHO calls, see Law 35C.)

A call made after the final pass of the auction is cancelled, and:
- A. Pass, or Call by Declaring Side
If it is a pass by a defender or any call by the future declarer or dummy, there is no penalty.
- B. Other Action by Defender
If it is a bid, double or redouble by a defender, the lead penalties of Law 26 may apply. (If
offender's LHO calls, see Law 35D.)

- A. Right to Choose Call or Play
A player may make any call or play (including an intentionally misleading call - such as a
psychic bid - or a call or play that departs from commonly accepted, or previously announced,
use of a convention), without prior announcement, provided that such call or play is not based
on a partnership understanding.
- B. Concealed Partnership Understandings Prohibited
A player may not make a call or play based on a special partnership understanding unless an
opposing pair may reasonably be expected to understand its meaning, or unless his side
discloses the use of such call or play in accordance with the regulations of the sponsoring
- C. Director's Option
If the Director decides that a side has been damaged through its opponents' failure to explain
the full meaning of a call or play, he may award an adjusted score.
- D. Regulation of Conventions
The sponsoring organisation may regulate the use of bidding or play conventions. Zonal organisations may, in addition, regulate partnership understandings (even if not
conventional) that permit the partnership's initial actions at the one level to be made with a
hand of a king or more below average strength. Zonal organisations may
delegate this responsibility.
- E. Convention Card
- 1. Right to Prescribe
The sponsoring organisation may prescribe a convention card on which
partners are to list their conventions and other agreements and may
establish regulations for its use, including a requirement that both
members of a partnership employ the same system (such a regulation must not restrict style and judgement,
only method).
- 2. Referring to Opponents' Convention Card
During the auction and play, any player except dummy may refer to his
opponents' convention card at his own turn to call or play, but not to
his own
A player is not entitled, during the auction and play periods, to any aids to his memory, calculation or technique. However, sponsoring organisations may designate unusual methods and allow written defences against opponents' unusual methods to be referred to at the table.

Chapters: I - Definitions
II - Preliminaries
III - Preparation and Progression
IV - General Laws Governing Irregularities
V - The Auction
VI - The Play
VII - Proprieties
VIII - The Score
IX - Tournament Sponsorship
X - Tournament Director
XI - Appeals
Last modified: Sun Apr 26 13:43:18 1998