- A. Contestant's Right
A contestant or his Captain may appeal for a review of any ruling made at his table by the
- B. Time of Appeal
The right to request or appeal a Director's ruling expires 30 minutes after the official score has been made available for inspection, unless the sponsoring organisation has specified a different time period.
- C. How to Appeal
All appeals shall be made through the Director.
- D. Concurrence of Appellants
An appeal shall not be heard unless both members of a pair (except in an individual contest),
or the captain of a team, concur in appealing. An absent member shall be deemed to concur.
Sponsoring organisations may establish penalties for appeals without merit.
- A. No Appeals Committee
The Chief Director shall hear and rule upon all appeals if there is no Tournament or Appeals
Committee, or when a committee cannot meet without disturbing the orderly progress of the
- B. Appeals Committee Available
If a committee is available,
- 1. Appeal Concerns Law
- The Chief Director shall hear and rule upon such part of the appeal as deals solely with the
Law or regulations. His ruling may be appealed to the committee.
- 2. All Other Appeals
The Chief Director shall refer all other appeals to the committee
for adjudication.
- 3. Adjudication of Appeals
In adjudicating appeals the committee
may exercise all powers assigned by these Laws to the
Director, except that the committee may not overrule the Director on a point of law or
regulations, or on exercise of his disciplinary powers. The committee may recommend to the
Director that he change his ruling.
- C. Appeal to National Authority
After the preceding remedies have been exhausted, further appeal may
be taken to the national authority.
Zonal organisations may establish differing conditions of appeals for special contests.
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Last modified: Sun Mar 1 19:09:40 1998