About this Document . . .

This document contains the English version of the Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge - 1997. It has been made from The Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge 1997 published by the English Bridge Union (August, 1997). The lay-out and the spelling are as in the printed edition. No special regulations (as e.g. those in the ACBL version) are included.

The work with these 1997 Laws for WWW began long before the final version af the 1997 Laws was available. During this period - and later on - David Stevenson's comments on and proof-reading of the law text - and especially the Index - were an invaluable help.

Also thanks to David for getting permission from The Portland Club to make this version of the 1997 Laws available on WWW.

If you find errors in this document - or just have some suggestions on how to make it better, please send an e-mail with your comments to .

The first Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge on WWW came out of the efforts of Hans van Staveren (sater@xirion.nl).

He received permission from the copyright holders to make an electronic copy of the 1987 Laws on WWW.

The ACBL supplied him with the Laws in electronic form. The text was extracted from the WordPerfect version of the Laws, converted to LaTeX and made into HTML by means of the translator LaTeX2HTML by Nicolas Drakos.

The first version of the 1987 Laws appeared on WWW at "Bridge on the Web" - the world-famous bridge page of Hans van Staveren - in the middle of 1995.

The 1987 version of the Laws on Bridge on the Web was a mixed version with the same lay-out as the English paper edition and with British spelling, but with supplementary notes on the special regulations of the ACBL.

On the ACBL Web-pages you can find the American version of the 1987 Laws with the same lay-out as the paper edition published by the ACBL (including the special ACBL regulations) and with American spelling (available since January 1996).

There also exists an English version of the 1987 Laws on WWW (January 1997) with the same lay-out as the paper edition published by the English Bridge Union and with British spelling.

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Last modified: Wed Aug 4 17:45:48 MEST 2004