
Promulgating Body and Approving Bodies

Preface to the English Edition

Scope and Interpretation of the Laws

CHAPTER I - Definitions

CHAPTER II - Preliminaries
Law 1 - The Pack - Rank of Cards and Suits
Law 2 - The Duplicate Boards
Law 3 - Arrangement of Tables
Law 4 - Partnerships
Law 5 - Assignment of Seats

CHAPTER III - Preparation and Progression
Law 6 - The Shuffle and Deal
Law 7 - Control of Board and Cards
Law 8 - Sequence of Rounds

CHAPTER IV - General Laws Governing Irregularities
Law 9 - Procedure Following an Irregularity
Law 10 - Assessment of a Penalty
Law 11 - Forfeiture of the Right to Penalise
Law 12 - Director's Discretionary Powers
Law 13 - Incorrect Number of Cards
Law 14 - Missing Card
Law 15 - Play of a Wrong Board
Law 16 - Unauthorised Information

CHAPTER V - The Auction
PART I - Correct Procedure
SECTION ONE - Auction Period
Law 17 - Duration of the Auction
Law 18 - Bids
Law 19 - Doubles and Redoubles
Law 20 - Review and Explanation of Calls
Law 21 - Call Based on Misinformation
SECTION TWO - Auction Has Ended
Law 22 - Procedure After the Auction Has Ended
PART II - Irregularities in Procedure
Law 23 - Damaging Enforced Pass
SECTION ONE - Exposed Card, Auction Period
Law 24 - Card Exposed or Led during Auction
SECTION TWO - Changes of Calls
Law 25 - Legal and Illegal Changes of Call
Law 26 - Call Withdrawn, Lead Penalties
SECTION THREE - Insufficient Bid
Law 27 - Insufficient Bid
SECTION FOUR - Call out of Rotation
Law 28 - Calls Considered to Be in Rotation
Law 29 - Procedure after a Call out of Rotation
Law 30 - Pass out of Rotation
Law 31 - Bid out of Rotation
Law 32 - Double or Redouble out of Rotation
Law 33 - Simultaneous Calls
Law 34 - Retention of Right to Call
Law 35 - Inadmissible Call Condoned
SECTION FIVE - Inadmissible Calls
Law 36 - Inadmissible Double or Redouble
Law 37 - Action Violating Obligation to Pass
Law 38 - Bid of More Than Seven
Law 39 - Call after Final Pass
SECTION SIX - Conventions and Agreements
Law 40 - Partnership Understandings

PART I - Procedure
SECTION ONE - Correct Procedure
Law 41 - Commencement of Play
Law 42 - Dummy's Rights
Law 43 - Dummy's Limitations
Law 44 - Sequence and Procedure of Play
Law 45 - Card Played
SECTION TWO - Irregularities in Procedure
Law 46 - Incomplete or Erroneous Call of Card from Dummy
Law 47 - Retraction of Card Played
PART II - Penalty Card
Law 48 - Exposure of Declarer's Cards
Law 49 - Exposure of a Defender's Cards
Law 50 - Disposition of Penalty Card
Law 51 - Two or More Penalty Cards
Law 52 - Failure to Lead or Play a Penalty Card
PART III - Irregular Leads and Plays
SECTION ONE - Lead out of Turn
Law 53 - Lead out of Turn Accepted
Law 54 - Faced Opening Lead out of Turn
Law 55 - Declarer's Lead out of Turn
Law 56 - Defender's Lead out of Turn
SECTION TWO - Other Irregular Leads and Plays
Law 57 - Premature Lead or Play by Defender
Law 58 - Simultaneous Leads or Plays
Law 59 - Inability to Lead or Play as Required
Law 60 - Play after an Illegal Play
Law 61 - Failure to Follow Suit - Inquiries Concerning a Revoke
Law 62 - Correction of a Revoke
Law 63 - Establishment of a Revoke
Law 64 - Procedure after Establishment of a Revoke
PART IV - Tricks
Law 65 - Arrangement of Tricks
Law 66 - Inspection of Tricks
Law 67 - Defective Trick
PART V - Claims and Concessions
Law 68 - Claim or Concession of Tricks
Law 69 - Acquiescence in Claim or Concession
Law 70 - Contested Claims
Law 71 - Concession Cancelled

CHAPTER VII - Proprieties
Law 72 - General Principles
Law 73 - Communication between Partners
Law 74 - Conduct and Etiquette
Law 75 - Partnership Agreements
Law 76 - Spectators

Law 77 - Duplicate Bridge Scoring Table
Law 78 - Methods of Scoring
Law 79 - Tricks Won

CHAPTER IX - Tournament Sponsorship
Law 80 - Sponsoring Organisation

CHAPTER X - Tournament Director
SECTION ONE - Responsibilities
Law 81 - Duties and Powers
Law 82 - Rectification of Errors of Procedure
Law 83 - Notification of the Right to Appeal
Law 84 - Rulings on Agreed Facts
Law 85 - Rulings on Disputed Facts
SECTION THREE - Correction of Irregularities
Law 86 - In Team Play
Law 87 - Fouled Board
SECTION FOUR - Penalties
Law 88 - Award of Indemnity Points
Law 89 - Penalties in Individual Events
Law 90 - Procedural Penalties
Law 91 - Penalise or Suspend

CHAPTER XI - Appeals
Law 92 - Right to Appeal
Law 93 - Procedures of Appeal


About this Document . . .

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Last modified: Sun Apr 26 13:29:05 1998