LAW 92
- A. Contestant's Right
A contestant or his Captain may appeal for a review of any ruling made at his table by the
- B. Time of Appeal
The right to request or appeal a Director's ruling expires 30 minutes after the official score has been made available for inspection, unless the sponsoring organization has specified a different time period.
- C. How to Appeal
All appeals shall be made through the Director.
- D. Concurrence of Appellants
An appeal shall not be heard unless both members of a pair (except in an individual contest),
or the captain of a team, concur in appealing. An absent member shall be deemed to concur.
Sponsoring organizations may establish penalties for appeals without merit.

LAW 93
- A. No Appeals Committee
The Chief Director shall hear and rule upon all appeals if there is no Tournament or Appeals
Committee, or when a committee cannot meet without disturbing the orderly progress of the
- B. Appeals Committee Available
If a committee is available,
- 1. Appeal Concerns Law
- The Chief Director shall hear and rule upon such part of the appeal as deals solely with the
Law or regulations. His ruling may be appealed to the committee.
- 2. All Other Appeals
The Chief Director shall refer all other appeals to the committee
for adjudication.
- 3. Adjudication of Appeals
In adjudicating appeals the committee
may exercise all powers assigned by these Laws to the
Director, except that the committee may not overrule the Director on a point of law or
regulations, or on exercise of his disciplinary powers. The committee may recommend to the
Director that he change his ruling.
- C. Appeal to National Authority
After the preceding remedies have been exhausted, further appeal may
be taken to the national authority (on a point of law, in ACBL the National Laws Commission, 2990 Airways Boulevard, Memphis, TN, 38116-3847).
Zonal organizations may establish differing conditions of appeals for special contests.
Chapters: I - Definitions
II - Preliminaries
III - Preparation and Progression
IV - General Laws Governing Irregularities
V - The Auction
VI - The Play
VII - Proprieties
VIII - The Score
IX - Tournament Sponsorship
X - Tournament Director
XI - Appeals
Last modified: Sun Apr 5 17:13:02 1998