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- Acceptance of
Insufficient bid - 27
Lead out of turn - 53 - 54 - 55
Opening lead out of turn - 54
Play of card other than penalty card - 52
Premature play - 57 - 60
Trick lost as won - 72
- Accidental dropping of card
By declarer - 48
By defender - 50
During auction period - 24
During play period - 48 - 50
Minor penalty card - 50
- Accidental receipt of information - 16
- Acquiescence in claim or concession - 69
Withdrawal of acquiescence - 69
- Action violating obligation to pass - 37
Condonation of - 35
- Adjusted score
Amount of award - 12 - 86 - 88
Director's power to adjust - 12 - 86
Indemnity points - 88
Individual event - 88 - 89
Method of calculating - 12 - 86 - 88
Pair event - 12 - 88
Remedy after change of call - 21
Remedy after permissible change of play - 47
Remedy for defender's premature exposure of card - 50
Remedy for error in procedure - 82
Remedy for exposed card - 23
Remedy for failure to explain call or play - 40
Remedy for insufficient bid - 27
Remedy for irregular pass causing damage - 23
Remedy for misdistribution of cards - 13
Remedy for play of wrong board - 15
Remedy for receipt of unauthorized information - 16
Remedy for revoke - 64
Remedy for violation of properties - 73
Team event - 86
- Agreement on results of play
Acquiescence in claim or concession - 69
Agreement on number of tricks won - 79
Arrangement of tricks to facilitate - 65
- Aid to memory, calculation, or technique - 40
- Alert
Change of call following disclosure of misinformation - 21
Failure to as misinformation - 21
Inclusion in review of auction - 20
Regulation by sponsoring organization - 40
- Appeal
Notification of right to - 83
Prerequisites for - 92
Procedures - 92 - 93
Right to - 92
To Appeals Committee - 93
To Chief Director - 93
To National Laws Commission - 93
- Appeals Committee - 93
- Arrangement of tricks - 65
- Attempt to change call - 25
- Attempt to play card not in dummy - 46
- Auction - see also Auction Period
Partial review - 20
Review of - 20
Rotation - 17
- Auction period
Call after end of - 35 - 39
Continuation after three passes, if one was out of rotation - 34
End of - 17
Irregularity during - 9
Penalty - see Penalty, in auction
Procedure following end of - 22
Review during or after - 20
Start of - 17

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- Behavior - see Proprieties
- Bid
After final pass - 39
Distinguished from other calls - 18
Form of - 18
Insufficient - 18 - 27
Of more than seven - 35 - 38
Out of rotation - 27 - 29 - 31
Proper form - 18
Sufficiency - 18
When pass was required - 37
- Bids, simultaneous - 33
- Board
Cancellation - 6 - 17 - 86
Cards in - 7
Control - 7
Dealer rotation - 2
Duplication - 6
Fouled - 87
Late play - 15
Misplacement of cards in - 90
Movement - 8
Placement - 7
Play of wrong board - 15 - 17 - 90
Redeal - 6 - 86
Removal of cards from - 7
Substitute - 86
Vulnerability rotation - 2
Wrong board played - 15 - 17 - 90

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- Call
Admissible doubles - 19 - 36
Admissible redoubles -19 - 36
After auction closed - 35 - 39
Bids - 18
Before penalty imposed - 11
Change of - see Call, change of
Condonation of inadmissible call - 35
Inadmissible - 35
Not clearly heard - 20
Review of - 20
- Call, change of
After opponent's infraction - 16
After disclosure of opponent's misinformation - 16 - 21
Bid out of rotation as - 31
Correction of inadvertent or illegal call - 25
Immediate - 25
Information resulting from - 16
Lead penalty for - 26
Pass out of rotation as - 30
Penalty in auction - 25 - 27 - 30 - 31
Remedy for opponent's infraction - 16
- Call other than bids - 18
- Calls, simultaneous - 33
- Card - see also Cards; Play of card
Attempt to play card not in dummy - 46
Convention - see Convention card
Declarer's, visible and constructively played - 45
Defender's, visible to partner - 45 - 49
Detachment from hand prematurely - 74
Dummy's, play by declarer - 57
Dummy's, played in error - 45
Dummy's, touched or designated - 45
Exposed - see Exposed card
Inspection of own card played to previous trick - 66
Misplayed by dummy - 45
Missing - 14
Played - 45
Position of - 45
Reconstruction of deal if missing card unfound - 14
Restoration of missing card - 14
Retracted - see Retraction of card played
Revoke by failure to play missing card - 14
Seen by wrong player - 13
Visibility of - 45 - 49
- Cards - see also Card
Arrangement of for keeping track of tricks won - 65
Control of own hand - 7
Counting of - 7
Incorrect number held - 13
Inspection of own card played to previous trick - 66
Inspection of tricks - 61 - 62 - 66
Quitted tricks - 61 - 62 - 66
Rank of - 1 - 44
Return of cards to board - 7
Sorting of dummy's hand - 41
Spectator's view of - 76
Touching cards of another player - 90
- Cessation of play following claim or concession - 68
- Change of call - see Call, change of
- Change of card - see Retraction of card played
- Change of play - see Retraction of card played
- Chief Director - 93
- Claim
Acquiescence in - 69
By declarer - 48 - 68
By defender - 68
By facing cards - 48
Cessation of play - 68
Concession - 68
Contested claim - 70
Current trick - 68
Exposed card of declarer as - 48
Rejection by director - 70
Summoning director - 68
Withdrawal of acquiescence in - 69
- Commencement of play - 41
- Comment - see Extraneous information; Proprieties
- Comparison of scores - 90
- Completion of play
Cessation of play following claim or concession - 68
End of round - 8
End of session - 8
- Concession
Acquiescence in - 69 - 72
By declarer - 48 - 68
By defender - 68
Cancellation by director - 71
Cessation of play - 68
Claim - 68
Contract already fulfilled or defeated - 71
Current trick - 68
Exposed card of declarer as - 48
Implausible - 71
Objection by partner of conceding defender - 68
Of trick already won - 71
Of trick in progress - 68
Of trick not losable by any legal play - 71
Summoning director - 68
Trick cannot be lost - 71
Withdrawal of acquiescence in claim - 69
- Conclusion
Of play following declarer's claim or concession - 68
Of play following defender's claim re future tricks - 68
Of round - 8
Of session - 8
- Condonation - see also Forfeiture; Waiver
Of action by player required to pass - 35
Of bid of more than seven - 35
Of call after final pass - 35
Of inadmissible double - 35
Of inadmissible redouble - 35
Of insufficient bid - 27
Of lead out of turn - 53
- Conduct - see Proprieties
- Consultation between partners on options after irregularity - 10
- Contract
Final bid - 22
Inquiry as to - 41
- Convention card
Examination of own card prohibited - 40
Regulation by sponsoring organization - 40
Timing of reference to opponent's card - 40
- Conventional call
As insufficient bid - 27
Change of call - 26
Disclosure required - 40
Explanation of - 20 - 40
Out of rotation - 29
Pass as - 30
Regulation by sponsoring organization - 40
- Conventional card play
Explanation of - 20
Disclosure required - 40
- Conventions
Disclosure required - 20 - 40
Partnership agreements - 40 - 75
Regulation by sponsor - 40
- Correction of
Error in explanation of partnership understanding - 75
Error in giving review of auction - 20
Error in ruling by director - 82
Irregularity - 9
- Counting of cards
Error subject to penalty - 90
Requirement - 7
- Current trick
Defender's statement as to - 68
Inspection of - 66

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- Deal
Presence of contestants - 6
Procedure - 6
Redeal - 6 - 86
Rotation of dealer - 2
Shuffle - 6
- Dealer
First to call - 17
Rotation - 2
- Deception - 40 - 73
- Deck - 1
- Declarer
Becomes dummy by facing hand after opening lead out of turn - 54
Facing of hand after opening lead out of turn - 54
Play of dummy's hand - 41 - 42 - 45
Right after irregularity - 9
- Defective trick
Too few cards - 67
Too many cards - 45 - 67
- Defender
Prohibition on inquiry re partner's failure to follow suit - 61
Right after irregularity - 9
- Defensive signals - see Conventional card play
- Denominations, rank of - 1 - 18
- Designation of card - 45
Erroneous - 46
Inadvertent - 45
Incomplete - 46
Proper form - 46
- Director - see also Director, discretion of; Summoning director
Discretionary powers in general - 12
Duties in general - 81 - 90
Notice to contestant of right to appeal - 83
Powers in general - 81 - 90
Rectification of error in procedure - 82
Ruling on agreed facts - 84
Ruling on disputed facts - 85
- Director, discretion of
To adjust score - 12; see also Adjusted score
To penalize notwithstanding forfeiture of right to penalize - 11
To predeal - 6
To require redeal - 6 - 86
- Disqualification of player - 91
- Double
Error in stating bid doubled - 19
Form - 19
Inadmissible - 19 - 32 - 35 - 36 - 39
Increase in scoring values - 77
Legal - 19
Out of rotation - 32
Proper form - 19
When pass was required - 37
- Dropping of card - see Accidental dropping of card; Play of card
- Dummy - see also Dummy, play of
Arrangement of cards in - 41
As agent of declarer - 42
Hand of - 41
Hand played by declarer - 41 - 42 - 45
Limitations on actions by - 43
Penalty for infraction by - 43
Play of - see Dummy, play of
Rights of - 42 - 61
Sorting of cards in - 41
- Dummy, play of
Attempt to play card not in dummy - 46
By declarer - 41 - 42 - 45
Card not designated by declarer - 45
Designation of card not in dummy - 46
Incomplete designation of card - 46
Misplay by dummy of card not named by declarer - 45
Partial designation of card - 46
Premature play by defender - 57
Proper method - 45 - 46
Singleton not deemed automatically designated - 57
- Duplication of boards - 6

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- Emphasis - see Extraneous information; Proprieties
- End of round or session - 8
- Enforced pass - see Pass, enforced
- Errors - see also specific irregularities
In explanation of partnership agreement - 75
In giving review of auction - 20
In procedure - 90
In ruling by director - 82
In score - 79
In stating contract doubled - 19
In stating contract redoubled - 19
- Exchanging hands - 43
- Explanation of conventional meaning of calls
During auction period - 20
During play period - 20 - 41
- Exposed card
As claim or concession by declarer - 68
Declarer's visible card - 48
Defender's - 49
During auction period - 24
During deal - 6
During making of claim - 70
During shuffle - 6
Extraneous information - 47
More than one - 24
Opening lead out of turn - 48 - 54
Penalty card - 50
Rank, significance of - 24
Retracted card - 47
Simultaneous play of cards - 58
Visibility of defender's card to partner - 49
- Extraneous information - see also Information
Accidentally received information - 16
Action by partner - 16
Exposed card - 50
Remark by partner - 16

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- Face down opening lead - 41 - 45
Withdrawal of with director's permission - 41
- Facts
Agreed, ruling on - 84
Appeal on question of - 93
Disputed, ruling on - 85
- Failure to alert - see Alert
- Failure to comply with regulations - 72 - 90
- Failure to play penalty card - see Penalty card
- Fifth card to a trick - 45
- Following suit
General requirement - 44
Requirement when penalty card(s) present - 50 - 59
Revoke - 61
- Forfeiture of rights - see also Condonation; Waiver
Acceptance of insufficient bid - 27
Acceptance of lead out of turn - 53
After call out of rotation - 29
After irregularity - 9 - 10 - 11
By dummy's infraction - 43
Play before assessment of penalty for infraction - 60
Retention of right to call - 34
- Fouled board - 87

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- Gesture - see Extraneous information
- Gratuitous information - see Extraneous information; Proprieties

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- Hand records - 13
- Hesitation - see Extraneous information; Pause; Proprieties
- Honor cards
As major penalty cards - 50
Scoring table - 77

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- Illegal call - 25
- Illegal card - 52 - 61
- Illegal double
After partner's pass out of rotation - 30
Impermissible substitution for insufficient bid - 27
In general - 19
Inadmissible double - 19 - 32 - 36
- Illegal play - 60
- Illegal redouble
After partner's pass out of rotation - 30
Impermissible substitution for insufficient bid - 27
In general - 19
Inadmissible redouble - 19 - 32 - 36
- Illegal unauthorized information - 16
- IMP scoring - 78
- Inability to comply with lead or play penalty - 59
- Inadmissible call - 35 - 36
- Inadvertent call - 25
- Inadvertent designation of card - 45 - 47
- Incomplete call of card from dummy - 46
- Indemnity points - 84
- Individual events
Adjusted score - 12 - 88 - 89
Indemnity points - 88
Partnership - 4
Penalties - 89
- Inflection - see Extraneous information; Proprieties
- Information - see also Extraneous information; Proprieties
Accidentally received - 16
Authorized - 16
From change of call - 16
From change of play - 16
From exposed card - 50
From lead out of turn - 55
From misdistribution of cards - 13
From pass out of rotation - 30
Importance of - 13
Unauthorized - 16
- Inspection of tricks - 66
- Insufficient bid - 18 - 27
- Intentionally misleading call or play - 40
- Irregularity - see also Forfeiture of rights; specific irregularities
Limitations on rights of dummy - 43
Procedure following - 9
Rights of declarer - 9
Rights of defenders - 9
Rights of dummy - 42

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- Last round, end of - 8
- Late play - 15
- Laws Commission - see National Laws Commission
- Lead - see also Lead out of turn; Lead penalty; Opening lead
During auction period - 24
Misinformation affecting - 47
Premature - 24
Retraction of - 47
Right to - 44
- Lead out of turn
Acceptance of - 53
During auction period - 24
Induced by opponent - 47
Misinformation affecting - 47
Opening - 48 - 54
Procedures following - 53
By declarer - 55
By defender - 56
Penalty - see Lead penalty
Retraction of - 47
- Lead penalty - see also Penalty card
After action in violation of obligation to pass - 37
After bid of more than seven - 38
After bid out of rotation - 31
After call following close of auction - 39
After cancellation of change of call - 25
After change of call - 26
After correction of insufficient bid - 27
After double out of rotation - 32
After redouble out of rotation - 32
After unauthorized information - 26
Inability to comply - 59
When there is one penalty card - 50
When there is more than one penalty card - 51
- Loud discussion - 90

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- Major penalty card - 50
- Mannerism - see Extraneous information; Proprieties
- Matchpoint scoring - 78
- Minor penalty card - 50
- Misinformation
Call based on - 21
Lead based on - 41 - 47
Play based on - 47
- Misplacement of cards in board - 90
- Missing card - 14
- Mistaken bid - see Partnership understandings
- Mistaken explanation of partnership understanding - 40 - 75
- Misunderstanding not based on misinformation - 21
- Movement of boards, players - 8

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- National Laws Commission - 93
- New deal - see Redeal
- Notification
By director to contestant of right to appeal - 83
By player to director of accidental receipt of information - 16

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- Opening lead - see also Lead
Face down - 41
Face up - 41
Misinformation affecting - 47
Out of turn - 47 - 48 - 53 - 54
Out of turn, accepted - 53
Premature - 24
Retraction of - 47
Right to make - 41
- Options of player after irregularity
Consultation with partner prohibited - 10
Discretion of director - 12
Explanation by director - 9 - 10 - 11

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- Pack - 1
- Pair events
Adjusted score - 12 - 88
Indemnity points - 88
Partnership - 4
- Partial review of auction - 20
- Partnership understandings
Concealment prohibited - 40 - 75
Mistaken bid - 75
Psychic - 40
Violation of - 75
- Partnerships - 4
- Pass
As conventional call - 30
Enforced - see Pass, enforced
Irregular pass causing damage - 23
Obligation to - see Pass, enforced
Out of rotation - 30 - 34
- Pass, enforced
Action in violation of obligation to pass - 37
Adjusted score for damage resulting from - 23
Affecting right to review auction - 20
After bid out of rotation - 31
After double out of rotation - 32
After exposed card - 24
After irregularity - 23
After pass out of rotation - 30
After redouble out of rotation - 32
Condonation of action in violation of obligation to pass - 35
- Pause
As extraneous information - 16
Regulation by sponsoring organization - 73
Skip bid warning - 73
- Penalties - see also Lead penalty; Penalty card; Penalty in auction
Action by offenders after payment of prescribed penalty - 72
After forfeiture of right to penalize - 11
Cancellation - 10
Director's authority to impose additional - 90
Explanation - 10
Consultation between partners - 10
Forfeiture - see Condonation; Forfeiture; Waiver
Self-help - 10
Individual event - 89
Infraction by dummy - 43
Procedural - 90
- Penalty card - see also Lead penalty
Adjusted score - 50
After declarer's acceptance of play other than penalty card - 52
After defender's lead out of turn - 56
After lead out of turn - 53 - 56
Card retracted to correct a revoke - 61
Declarer's acceptance of play other than penalty card - 52
Declarer, inapplicability to - 48
Disposition of - 50
Dummy's hand, inapplicability to - 48
Exposed card of defender - 49 - 50
Failure to lead or play penalty card when required - 52 - 61
Fifth card to a trick - 45
Inability to lead or play as required - 59
Lead out of turn - 54 - 56
Major penalty card defined - 50
Minor penalty card defined - 50
Missing card - 14
More than one penalty card - 50 - 51
Obligation to follow suit - 50 - 59
Procedure after illegal play - 60
Rank of exposed card, significance - 50
Retracted card as - 52 - 54 - 56
Unauthorized information from - 50
- Penalty in auction
After substitution for insufficient bid - 27
After pass out of rotation - 30
After bid out of rotation - 31
After canceled change of call - 25
After double out of rotation - 32
After redouble out of rotation - 32
After action in violation of obligation to pass - 37
- Penalty, lead - see Lead penalty
- Play - see also Play of card; Play period
After illegal play - 60
Before penalty imposed - 11
Commencement of - 41
Irregularity during play period - 9
- Play of card
After illegal play - 60
Compulsory - 45
Dropping of card - 48 - 50
From dummy's hand - see Dummy, play of
Inadvertent designation of card - 45 - 47
Premature lead by defender - 57
Premature play by defender - 57 - 60
Proper method - 45
Retraction of - see Retraction of card played
Singleton in dummy not deemed played automatically - 57
- Play of dummy's hand - see Dummy, play of
- Play period
Explanation of conventional calls or play - 20
Irregularity during - 9
Right to explanation of conventional calls or play - 20
- Premature lead or play
By defender - 57 - 60
During auction period - 24
- Procedure in general
After auction period - 22
After irregularity in general - 9
Appeal - 93
At table - 6 - 7
Director's duties - 82
Error in - 82 - 90
- Procedures after specific irregularities
Bid out of rotation - 31
Call out of rotation - 29
Illegal play - 60
Inadmissible double - 36
Inadmissible redouble - 36
Lead out of turn - 53
Opening lead out of turn - 54
Revoke - 60 - 64
- Proprieties - 72 - 73 - 74 - 75
Acceptance of trick not won and not winnable - 72
Action by offenders after payment of prescribed penalty - 72
Adherence to proper procedures - 74
Adjusted score for violation of - 72 - 73
Annoyance of opponent - 74
Attitude towards opponent - 74
Breaches, examples of - 74
Cards permissibly viewed by spectator - 76
Comment by player - 73 - 74
Comment by spectator - 76
Communication between partners - 73 - 75
Concealment of infraction - 72
Conduct of player - 74
Conduct by spectator - 74
Conversation by spectator - 76
Correct manner of calls and plays - 73
Correction of error in explanation by partner - 75
Correction of error in own explanation - 75
Courtesy - 74
Deception - 40 - 73
Disclosure of error in explanation of partnership agreement - 75
Disclosure of infraction - 72
Disclosure of partnership agreement - 75
Embarrassment of partner or opponent - 74
Emphasis - 73
Error in explanation of partnership agreement - 75
Etiquette - 74
Explanation of partnership agreement - 75
General obligation of contestants - 72
General principles - 72
Gesture of player - 73
Gesture of spectator - 76
Gratuitous information - 73
Habitual violation of partnership agreement - 75
Haste - 73
Hesitation - 73
Inadvertent infraction of law - 72
Inadvertent variation in manner or tempo - 73
Inflection - 73
Intentional deception - 72 - 73
Intentional infringement of law - 72
Intentional variation in manner or tempo - 73
Irregularity observed by spectator - 76
Mannerism of player - 73
Mannerism of spectator - 76
Mistaken bid - 75
Mistaken explanation - 75
Prearranged unsanctioned communication - 73
Proper procedure, adherence to - 74
Psychic - 40 - 73
Question - 73
Remark of player - 73
Remark of spectator - 76
Response to question - 73
Responsibility for enforcement of laws - 72
Skip bid warning - 73
Spectators, obligations of - 76
Speed - 73
Suggestive action or remark - 73
Tempo, variation in - 73
Variation in manner - 73
Variation in tempo - 73
Violation of proprieties - 73
Violation of partnership agreement - 75
Volunteering of information - 74 - 75
Waiver of penalty without summoning director - 72
- Psychic - 40 - 73

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- Question - see also Extraneous information; Proprieties
As conveying gratuitous information - 73
Right to explanation of conventional calls or plays - 40 - 75
Right to explanation of partnership understandings - 40 - 75
- Quitted tricks - 61 - 62 - 66

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- Rank of
Cards in general - 1
Cards played - 44
Denominations - 18
Exposed card - 24
Suits - 1 - 18 - 44
- Redeal
Auction closed without a bid - 22
Correction of misdeal - 13
Discretion of director to require - 6 - 86
Misdeal - 13
Team event - 86
- Redouble
Error in stating bid redoubled - 19
Form - 19
Inadmissible - 19 - 32 - 35 - 36 - 39
Increase in scoring values - 77
Legal - 19
Out of rotation - 32
Proper form - 19
When pass was required - 37
- Remark - see Extraneous information; Proprieties
- Retention of right to call - 34
- Retraction of bid - see Call, change of
- Retraction of card played
Adjusted score - 47
After correction of error in explanation of conventional call - 47
After correction of revoke - 62
After declarer's lead out of turn - 55
After declarer's withdrawal of visible card - 58
After disclosure of prior misinformation - 47
After failure to play major penalty card - 52
After opening lead out of turn - 54
After opponent's change of play - 47
After opponent's infraction - 16
By defender - 56
Change of inadvertent designation of card - 45 - 47
Compliance with penalty - 47
Correction of illegal play - 47
Correction of simultaneous play - 47
Immediate correction of inadvertent designation of card - 45
Information resulting from - 16
Lead out of turn induced by opponent - 47
Penalty card - 47 - 56
Penalty card not played as required - 52
Remedy for infraction - 16
To correct defective trick containing too many cards - 67
- Review of auction - 20 - 41
During auction period - 20
During play period - 20 - 41
Partial - 20
- Revoke
Adjusted score - 64
Correction of - 62 - 63
Declarer's right to inquire - 61
Defective trick - 67
Defender's right to inquire - 61
Defined - 61
Director's responsibility to do equity - 64
Disorderliness in trick arrangement as jeopardizing rights - 65
Dummy's right to inquire - 42 - 43 - 61
Equity - 64
Establishment - 63 - 67
Inspection of cards after conclusion of play - 66
Inspection of current trick - 66
Inspection of quitted tricks - 61
Limitation on dummy's right to inquire - 43
Missing card - 14
Penalty card - 14
Penalty for - 64
Penalty inapplicable - 64
Procedure after establishment of - 64
Prohibition on inquiry by defender of partner - 61
Responsibility of director to do equity - 64
Retraction of cards after opponent's correction - 62
Twelfth trick - 62
- Rights - see Laws regarding specific procedures and irregularities
Appeal - 83 - 92 - 93
Failure to summon director after irregularity - 9 - 10 - 11
Forfeiture - see Forfeiture of rights
Retention after irregularity - 9 - 34
- Rotation
Auction - 17
Bid out of - 27 - 31
Call considered in - 28
Call out of - 29 - 34
Dealer - 2
Double out of - 32
Pass out of - 30
Play - 44
Redouble out of - 32
Simultaneous calls - 33
Vulnerability - 2
- Round, end of - 8
- Rulings - see specific irregularities
Agreed facts - 84
Disputed facts - 85
Error in - 82

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- Score
Calculation - 77
Comparison during session prohibited - 90
Correction - 79
Scoring table - 77
- Scoring - see also Scoring table
Adjusted score - 12 - 86 - 88
Correction of errors - 79
Fouled board - 87
IMPs - 78
Indemnity points - 88
Matchpoints - 78
Methods - 78
Scoring table - 77
Total points - 78
- Scoring table - 77
- Seat - 5
- Sequence
Of bidding - 17
Of play - 44
Simultaneous calls - 33
Simultaneous leads - 58
Simultaneous plays - 58
- Session, end of - 8
- Shuffle - 6
- Simultaneous actions
Calls - 33
Leads - 58
Play of more than one card by one player - 58
Plays by two players - 58
- Skip bid warning - 73
- Slow play - 90
- Spectator - 11
- Speed - see Extraneous information; Proprieties
- Sponsoring organization
Scoring method - 78
Powers in general - 80
- Substitution of call - see Call, change of
- Substitution of play - see Retraction of card played
- Substitution of player
Authorized by director in his discretion - 4
Temporary, as remedy for possession of unauthorized information - 16
- Suits
Rank of - 1 - 18 - 44
Sorting of dummy's hand - 41
- Summoning director - see also specific irregularities
Failure to summon as affecting rights after irregularity - 9 - 10 - 11
Limitation on dummy's right to summon - 43
Manner - 74
Proprieties - 72
- Suspension of player - 91

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- Tables
Arrangement of playing - 3
Scoring table - 77
- Tardiness - 90
- Team events
Adjusted score - 86
Partnerships - 4
Substitute board - 86
- Tempo - see Extraneous information; Proprieties
- Total point scoring - 78
- Touching another's card - 90
- Tricks
Agreement on number won and lost - 79
Arrangement in order - 65
Claim - 68
Completed - 65
Concession - 68 - 69 - 71
Correction of error in scoring - 79
Defective - 45 - 67
Disagreement on number won and lost - 79
Dummy's right to keep track of tricks won - 42
Fifth card to trick - 45
Inspection of - 66
Keeping track of number won and lost - 65
Lead to - 44
Orderliness - 65
Play to - 44
Quitted - 61 - 62 - 66
Turning of - 45
- Trump, play of
When penalty card present - 50
When permitted - 44

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- Unauthorized information - see also Information; Proprieties
Accidentally received - 16
Extraneous information - 16
From defender's objection to partner's concession - 71
From illegal double - 19
From illegal redouble - 19
From partner's explanation of understanding - 75

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- Variation of manner or tempo - see Extraneous information; Proprieties
- Visibility of card
Position of play - 45
Simultaneous play of more than one card - 58
- Volunteering of information - 74 - 75
- Vulnerability
Rotation of - 2
Scoring table - 77

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- Waiver - see also Forfeiture of rights
Director's discretion - 81
Inability of player to waive - 72
- Withdrawal of acquiescence in claim - 69
- Written explanation - 20
Chapters: I - Definitions
II - Preliminaries
III - Preparation and Progression
IV - General Laws Governing Irregularities
V - The Auction
VI - The Play
VII - Proprieties
VIII - The Score
IX - Tournament Sponsorship
X - Tournament Director
XI - Appeals
Last modified: Mon Apr 13 19:32:49 1998